Dear Friends,
How is everyone? They often say that the weather matches your mood. Up until today (Tuesday) throughout nearly the whole of the lockdown period we have been blessed with almost continuous sunshine which has meant that for those of us who are able, opportunities to go for long walks in and around the Heath and its extension. Even those of us confined to gardens have been able to enjoy being out in the fresh air. It has helped us enormously; of that I am sure. Today, it is cold and wet and miserable, and I imagine that is how many of us are feeling right now…
…It is as if we are in the ‘doldrums’ – a metaphor taken from the time when ships were left to drift; becalmed, windless, seemingly going nowhere – and all we want to know is when will it all end. We have to face up to the reality that this time of so-called ‘lockdown’ will be with us for a while yet. It may be that decisions will be taken to relax restrictions in certain sectors of the economy for obvious reasons but we should not imagine that all of a sudden everything will go back to how it was…
…This will affect us as a Church. It is probable that restrictions on ‘large gatherings’ will be one of the last things to be lifted. I don’t know if our congregation could be classed as ‘large’ but it may mean that we will not be allowed to meet together for the foreseeable future. This is why it is so important that we remain ‘connected’ to each other in as many different ways as possible…
…We were very sorry to hear that Nancy Gilks passed away on Monday in the Royal Free Hospital after a short illness. Nancy had celebrated her 100th birthday just a few months ago and was our oldest member. Her son Charles is presently travelling from Australia to finalise funeral arrangements – scheduled for 9th May @ 11am, although attendance will be severely limited…
…In a ‘former life’ I served as an Industrial Chaplain and April 28th was always a special day in the calendar – ‘International Workers’ Memorial Day’ – when a service would be held to remember those who had died in the workplace following an industrial accident. This year, the day is especially poignant as we remember NHS staff whose lives have been lost whilst serving ‘on the front line’ during this present epidemic. Please treasure their memory, and pray for their families…
…As we continue to support one another in prayer…That mystery by which though we are separated from each other we know ourselves to be united one with another; ‘all one in Christ Jesus’, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. May God continue to bless us all
Ian Tutton