Dear Friends,
This weekend is Pentecost. What many refer to as the ‘birthday’ of the Church. It reminds me that for many of us, celebrating birthdays has been very difficult this year; whether it be our own birthday or that of someone close to us. And not just birthdays. Other notable occasions have had to be ‘put on hold as it were’. But of course, we only have one ‘birthday’. And so it was with the church. God, through the Holy Spirit breathing life into the world, bringing the Church into being, enlivening the world, transforming the world, putting God’s indelible mark on its unfolding history. It is this we are called to do. As a congregation of God’s people, as individual Christians, we are called to leave an indelible mark on our particular generation as others have done who have gone before us. At the present time it is difficult to imagine just how this might be done, and yet when I look around me, I see a thousand acts of kindness being shared between total strangers. Covid-19 will leave its own indelible ‘stain’ upon our history, but what is being done because of it, even in spite of it, that will leave its own indelible mark. I am grateful to all of you for the part you are playing in such acts of kindness. Thank you…
…Every week it seems, we get an announcement concerning the ‘easing of lockdown’. Next week that will focus on schools, including the pre-school that operates at the Free Church Hall. Many parents will be relieved. The pressures of having to ‘entertain’ children during isolation must have been immense. I have every sympathy with them. But many other parents will be agonising over whether or not it will be safe to allow their children to return to school. I sympathise with them too. And then there are the teachers who will have to go into the classrooms; they too will be nervous, anxious, and concerned for their own safety, please remember them in your prayers…
…And after that, shopping! No more need to be said!!
…As for churches, including our own, we wait patiently for Govt to decide when ‘it’ thinks it would be safe for churches to be open. But while we cannot go against the ‘law of the land’, we are not bound to do what the Govt. says we can do. Any decision concerning the reopening of the Free Church will be taken by the Trustees/Elders, and only when they are satisfied that it is as safe as it can be, then the church will be opened again. So again, please be patient…
…And until then, stay safe, enjoy the sunshine…and if it is your birthday, or any other excuse for a party…be responsible, because we still have a responsibility for the safety of each other…Best wishes,
Ian Tutton