During this week thousands of teenagers will get their A-Level and GCSE examination results, including a number of our own church family. These are not ‘ordinary times’ as far as education is concerned.
Climate change denial is no longer an option
We could of course explore ways of generating our own energy. It might be possible to identify aesthetically pleasing solar panels that could be fitted on the south facing roof. Someone has even suggested a wind turbine in the West End Garden. (All other suggestions gratefully received). What we do know is that if the world is going to be able to get through this environmental crisis, it will require a positive commitment on the part of all of us.
Do people still send postcards?
…But then the school holidays are six or seven weeks. That can seem like a life time for some families. So, I’m pleased that throughout the whole of the holiday our premises – church & hall – will be hosting a succession of summer playschemes. Already this week both buildings are full of very lively children. And even though we can’t run holiday clubs ourselves, we are pleased to be able to partner with established users to ensure that everyone who comes has a really good time…
Freedom Day
There is more to Freedom than being able to go nightclubbing, and we do well to remind ourselves that this is the case. And so, enjoy the ‘freedoms’ that post July 19th society is now able to enjoy. But don’t confuse them with Freedom, real freedom…
They are no different to you or I
am grateful for feedback. Last Wednesday’s letter earned me a gentle rebuke for suggesting that ‘love Island’ was the only alternative to the football. I do apologise. Especially as now it appears that ‘Location, Location, Location’ was also available to watch at the same time.
Euro 2021
… it’s their duty to continue to interact with the public on matters such as equality, inclusivity and racial injustice, while using the power of their voices to help put debates on the table, raise awareness and educate …
The measure of friendship
The measure of friendship is how willing are we to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of those whom we would call our friends.
All are welcome here
It’s not often that a theological controversy finds its way into the headlines. But this last week we had reported that Roman Catholic Bishops in the United States were intending to deny President Joe Biden Communion on account of his support for abortion.
’Meaning’, ‘saying’, ‘doing’
Rhetoric riddled with hyperbole gets us carried away with ourselves and before we know it, we find ourselves talking nonsense – illiterate, illogical, ill-timed – all of which conspires to disappoint, frustrate and anger one’s readers and hearers in equal measure. The truth is, nothing is ‘irreversible’, except for the passing of time.
Anyone for Cricket?
Its not often that language more usually suited to the pulpit finds its way into general use. But this last week we’ve heard a lot about Redemption. All to do with the furore surrounding the discovery that Ollie Robinson, English Test Cricketer, had sent a string of racist and sexist tweets some nine years ago when he was ‘just’ eighteen. He was ‘made’ to apologise and is presently suspended …