So, were you, like me, one of the 9.6 million viewers who tuned in last Sunday evening to watch the first episode of series 6 of ‘Line of Duty’? I have to admit that I’ve been hooked right from the very beginning: Superintendent Hastings (Ted), DI Fleming (Kate), & DS Arnott (Steve) – AC 12’S finest – they are family.
The year of ‘lockdowns’
Next Tuesday, the 23rd March will be the anniversary of when we first went into ‘lockdown’. At that time none of us quite knew what lay ahead of us. But we did have a sense that this was serious. Well, now we know. And having lived through it, each one of us, nothing more need be said. But it may be that for all of us, there is a need to think about just what this last year has meant for us…
Racism is a sin
o, did you watch ‘that’ interview? What did you make of Meghan & Harry? Did it change your mind about the Royal Family? I confess that I did not watch it. But whether you did or not, none of us is immune to the issues raised, most especially that of alleged racism. Paul says that ‘all have sinned’ – which means that all of us, at some time or another put ourselves first at the expense of others;
Budget Day
Today, Wednesday, is Budget Day; one of the great political ‘set piece’ occasions of the year. It used to be that everything in the Budget was kept a closely guarded secret until revealed by the Chancellor during his actual Budget speech. Nowadays it is as if it is ‘open season’ on what the speech will contain. Its not for me to comment on any particular proposals. Each one of us will reach our own judgement about such things. But it does serve to remind us that whilst the Pandemic is primarily a human tragedy –
A Church Anniversary during Covid
Dear all, This coming Sunday, February 28th, will be our 111th Church Anniversary. Ordinarily we would expect a large(ish) congregation for the service itself followed by a splendid ‘bring & share’ lunch for everyone. With Covid restrictions in place in
Reading should never be allowed to become a ‘lost art’
Dear Friends, (And yes, it is a different font – I discovered it by accident – Segoe Ul. And so, it’s good bye, for now at least, to Comic Sans MS. But please don’t think I’m trying to convey a
The comfort of one’s own armchair
Dear Friends, Yesterday (Tuesday) began early. I dragged myself out of bed around 6am so that I could watch the last couple of hours of the 1st cricket test match between India and England in Chennai, the ground bathed in
Unsung Heroes
Dear Friends, And so, Captain Sir Tom Moore has died. To reach 100 is a good effort, even by today’s standards, and yet the suddenness of his passing has shocked the nation. We had immortalised him. His fantastic achievement in
To forget would be not only dangerous but offensive
Dear Friends, Today, Wednesday 27th January, is Holocaust Memorial Day. Its primary focus is to remember the many millions of Jews who were ‘murdered’ by the Nazis during WW2. The chosen date is the anniversary of the Liberation of the
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Dear Friends, Each year the 18th – 25th January is the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’. Next Sunday, 24th, we were due to hold a joint service with our Anglican friends from St Jude’s, and maybe representatives from St