Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…He has put eternity in man’s mind…’ (Ecclesiastes 3, 11) We are creatures, created beings. As such we exist, we live according to the constraints…
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…I have come that they might have life…’ (John 10, 10) As someone brought up as a ‘Baptist’, thereby wedded to the view that the…
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come”…’ (Revelation 22, 17). One of the few criticisms levelled at the great Welsh rugby team of the 1970s…
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…The Righteousness of God is revealed through Faith…’ (Romans 1, 17). Which is more important; to be right, or to put things right? This, in…
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…According to the riches of God’s glory…’ (Ephesians 3, 16a) As good a description as any of what we understand as ‘benevolence’ – ‘giving for…
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…Never avenge yourselves but leave it to the wrath of God…’ (Romans 12, 19). Sermons rarely are controversial. If so at the time, they are…
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…How can I give you up...?’ (Hosea 11, 8a) A powerful God; a God whose power is made manifest in creating out of nothing, a…
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…The Mystery of God’s Will, according to God’s Purpose…’ (Ephesians 1, 9). In a universe of electrons and selfish genes, blind physical forces and genetic…
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…In Thy hand are Power and Might…’ (2 Chronicles 20, 6b) Power makes a difference; power changes things; power makes things happen. People want power…
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton | Series: Reflection ... no written version, please listen to recording ...