Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton | Series: Pentecost ‘…Seek the things that are above, where Christ is…’ (Colossians 3, 1) ‘Praying in Aid’ is one of those quaint, old-fashioned phrases…

Mind your own business

29. April 2018
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…Lord, what about this man?... (John 21, 21) John’s Gospel ends with Peter, after his own personal exchange with Jesus, drawing attention to the disciple,…

All you need is love

22. April 2018
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…Do you love Me more than these…’ (John 21, 15) At the human level, relationships based on love are mutual and reciprocal – established on…

Gone fishing

15. April 2018
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ’…I am going fishing…’ (John 21, 3a) It isn’t easy to make sense of what was happening between the time when Jesus was raised from…

Free to Love

30. March 2018
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton | Series: Easter ‘…For God so Loved the World…’ (John 3, 16) Pope Francis is in the headlines – again. He has, apparently, declared that…