The Call of Abraham

18. June 2017
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘Go from your country to the land that I will show you’  (Genesis 12:1) Any attempt to be precise with regard to the geography, history…

The Loveliness of God

11. June 2017
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…As One from whom we hide our faces…’ (Isaiah 53, 3b) Loveliness is a self defining word, defying definition beyond itself. But it has to…

The Tenderness of God

28. May 2017
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…And He had compassion on them…’ (Matthew 14, 14b) In a former life I worked in a steelworks, and one of the processes involved was…

Patriotism: Is it Enough?

23. April 2017
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…We, by contrast, are citizens of heaven…’ (Philippians 3, 20a) Today is St George’s Day when we are to celebrate the life of England’s patron…

He Has Gone Before Us

16. April 2017
Minister: Revd Dr. Ian Tutton ‘…But after I am raised I shall go ahead of you into Galilee…’ (Matthew 26, 32). ‘…”Do not be afraid”, Jesus told them, “Go and…